Monday, October 02, 2006

A Plea

Yes, I plead guilty- guilty of neglect.
Gulity of not having enough time for myself and friends.
Many memories and thoughts are knocking in my head and I have no time to let them out.
And I feel a constant disability to focus and concentrate on the essentials.
I'm in the middle of "The Satanic Verses" by Salman Rushdie . Oh, what a book- full of everything, packed with multicultural details and delightfully distant! And so I loved "Baudolino" by Umberto Eco.
The fall is always composing great with the books. Maybe because turned pages rattle the same as colourful leaves falling from autumn trees. By the way -" Autumn Leaves" by Eva Cassidy- immortal and ALWAYS makes me shiver.


Anonymous said...

hii nika,
I just love the nika (meaning its one of thos beautiful names). So i searched for the name in blogger n got your blog. Have browsed through your post and to be honest there are pretty good. Just wanted to talk more to you, so if you are using msn messenger can you please add me. my messenger add is Or else just send me an email. email add is

Nika said...

Well, thanks for Your opinion. It's nice to hear people find interesting what You've got to say.

Nika said...

I'm sorry, but You e-mail address doesn't work. I tried to send an e-mail, but unfortunately I didn'e managed to.
But You are sure welcomed on my blog. I hope You will be peeping sometimes.