Monday, December 11, 2006

I'm back

I'm back to balance!
Again and Finally!
Tough weekend behind me- no rest- rehersals and recordings. But that's fine- that's the essence of my life now. The rest left behind- friends, all worries seem non-existant- at least for a while.
Christmas time is here- the cheap christmas atmosphere with carols and Santas on every corner, christmas trees sparkling with colourful lights and presents shopping has arrived. And there's nothing else to do, but give Yourself in, and taste a bit of holiday joy.
Contrary to previous years, we are not hidden in snow but take pleasure in sunny days making the grass greener than in autumn. But well,
the change is a the only constant thing we have in our lifes.
So carpe diem and so long for today!


Graeme said...

Happy Holidays to you. Glad your tough week is over

piihecs said...
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Ben Heine said...

Good to know you're back.
Will you sing for Christmas or New year parties?

Thanks for your recent comments on my Blog. I noticed you had a little "conversation with Amina...

In advance : Merry Christmas!

Nika said...

Thanks guys for good wishes! Gosh, I just noticed only guys are commenting my blog, Wonder why?

Ben, as every year this one also we are playing on New Year's Eve. I simply can't remember when I didn't- but that's no problem for me.

About that short polemic with Amina- about dehumanizing Pinochet, I don't agree with her point of view. That's all. And I didn't want to elaborate more about that matter, and when calling someone a "son of a bitch" maybe I'm not politically correct, but that also has nothing to do with my disrespect for one's parents. Sometimes sticking philosophical label to such bullshit makes me laugh!

Ben Heine said...

Hi Nika, Amina is a university teacher, she likes to "intellectualize" everything.
I totally understand your views and hope you will share them on my Blog again...
Wish you success for your New Year's Eve Tour!

Ben Heine said...

Only boys chatting here? Mmmh, it's true!
May be it's the sweet pink of your Blog?
Or the personal content of your poems and prose?
Or may be there are more male bloggers than female ones?
You reveal yourself a lot in this Blog. thank you.

Nika said...

Maybe you are right Ben- the pink- that I changed a bit to make it more "lookable" always brings me on mind someting erotical :)

Am I being too personal in my posts? You made me think...